Vor langer Zeit herrschten zwei Rassen über die Erde: MENSCHEN und MONSTER. Eines Tages brach zwischen den beiden Rassen ein Krieg aus. Nach einem langen Kampf siegten die Menschen. Sie versiegelten die Monster im Untergrund mit einem Zauberspruch.
Mejor que el original en mi opinión, hay veces en las que el delay de los ataques hace que el personaje responda algo lento en algunos combos y lo único que puede hacer es recibir golpes de los enemigos lo cual hace difícil después el escape a los constantes ataques de los enemigos si son demasiados y se te pegan a los lados, por todo lo demás un buen juego que en mi opinión supera al original por lo emocionante y gratificante que resulta el gameplay.
PORTUGUESE COMMENTS: O jogo é ótimo pode confiar em mim vai rodar sem nada de lag mesmo em computador da xuxa do paraguai, recomendo jogar os dois: a versão Deluxe Plus demo e o outro que é: Changed Bersek Deluxe, pegue esses dois e fique de bico calado! É muito bom! DIRIA que é melhor do que Changed na Steam (Opnião).
ENGLISH CANADIAN COMMENTS: The game it's a great experience, i liked so much, this game can be in your computer no lags or glitchs the game it's low for doing it, i recommend to download two games: Changed Bersek Deluxe and Plus Demo it'ssssssss veeeeeerrrrryyyy epic! GO TO DOWNLOAD AND SHUT UP THE GAMES ITS GOOD! THE BETTER THAN CHANGED ON STEAM (it's my visit pont).
On the third area (after you complete 2-1), quitting and returning teleports the player back to the second area right before the level screen. When this happens, selecting to re-play level 2-1 results in an endless loading screen (can still pause, but cannot progress)
Gave it a Let's Play and I assume I played most of it - but gotta dive back in and smash a few more things, the combat definitely got better from the last time I played the Deluxe from before
Thx u so much for playing this game <3. I promise to fix and improve all the current problems to make a better polished and fun fangame changed parody. Also the reaction of the emote was priceless
Analysis of 'Changed Berserk Plus Demo':
Unfortunately, I encountered some glitches during my gameplay, which significantly impacted the game's enjoyment. However, in other areas such as art direction, sound design, level design, among others, it is quite favorable.
Although it is a demo, the game's content keeps the player engaged for over 2 hours, with achievements and challenges within the levels, which is a great positive point.
It is not possible to use a controller to play, and this makes the game a bit uncomfortable for people who are familiar with and enjoy playing fighting games with a controller.
Personal opinion:
This might be part of CBP's gameplay, but I found it a bit odd that sometimes Colin passes through the enemy during an attack, forcing me to hit well before getting close. I don't remember seeing anything like that in other games, but if well-polished, it could be an effective way to balance fights.
ControleV | Keep up the great work, Teff!
← Return to game
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dan the man and yakuza had a baby and it was addicted to changed.
im gonna kill them all smoke weed after that and play chess
Could you make a DMV file version
如果加入更多的动作和处决动画就更好了,就像真人快打(MORTAL KOMBAT)那样。
Finally! I can become Peppino and beat up these fucking latex furries that broke my sanity.
Mejor que el original en mi opinión, hay veces en las que el delay de los ataques hace que el personaje responda algo lento en algunos combos y lo único que puede hacer es recibir golpes de los enemigos lo cual hace difícil después el escape a los constantes ataques de los enemigos si son demasiados y se te pegan a los lados, por todo lo demás un buen juego que en mi opinión supera al original por lo emocionante y gratificante que resulta el gameplay.
No, This is not furry
GRIFFITH!! ahh name
fr th only reason i found this
это не игра это шедевр в который нужно играть после обычного changed
I honestly never expected to hear witherwolf’s music from Mario and Luigi Changed Bros in this for the wolf king boss
i just smothered a furry with a pillow
i love this damn game
Well at least i Like this game because Colin is like me causing Chaos
or is it in another file download
where is the snow Lepoard chase?
colin's vibe is 👍
how can you get the plus demo on mac because it isn't working
soon ill make the port for MacOS
haha beat up liquid furry funny
The way from the thumbnail was crazy💀
I liked it, I hope the development will continue it's really good. Of course there are some visual errors but I think it's because it's a demo.
yo uhh, i cant install anythin
on the cbp x64 - demo for windows it detecs a virus. is that normal orrrr...?
PORTUGUESE COMMENTS: O jogo é ótimo pode confiar em mim vai rodar sem nada de lag mesmo em computador da xuxa do paraguai, recomendo jogar os dois: a versão Deluxe Plus demo e o outro que é: Changed Bersek Deluxe, pegue esses dois e fique de bico calado! É muito bom! DIRIA que é melhor do que Changed na Steam (Opnião).
ENGLISH CANADIAN COMMENTS: The game it's a great experience, i liked so much, this game can be in your computer no lags or glitchs the game it's low for doing it, i recommend to download two games: Changed Bersek Deluxe and Plus Demo it'ssssssss veeeeeerrrrryyyy epic! GO TO DOWNLOAD AND SHUT UP THE GAMES ITS GOOD! THE BETTER THAN CHANGED ON STEAM (it's my visit pont).
On the third area (after you complete 2-1), quitting and returning teleports the player back to the second area right before the level screen. When this happens, selecting to re-play level 2-1 results in an endless loading screen (can still pause, but cannot progress)
Bloody brilliant!
I finally am able to play changed
gybhj bnnnnnnnngvjn
This game even has a sequel!
Gave it a Let's Play and I assume I played most of it - but gotta dive back in and smash a few more things, the combat definitely got better from the last time I played the Deluxe from before
Thx u so much for playing this game <3.
I promise to fix and improve all the current problems to make a better polished and fun fangame changed parody.
Also the reaction of the emote was priceless
Analysis of 'Changed Berserk Plus Demo': Unfortunately, I encountered some glitches during my gameplay, which significantly impacted the game's enjoyment. However, in other areas such as art direction, sound design, level design, among others, it is quite favorable.
Although it is a demo, the game's content keeps the player engaged for over 2 hours, with achievements and challenges within the levels, which is a great positive point. It is not possible to use a controller to play, and this makes the game a bit uncomfortable for people who are familiar with and enjoy playing fighting games with a controller.
Personal opinion: This might be part of CBP's gameplay, but I found it a bit odd that sometimes Colin passes through the enemy during an attack, forcing me to hit well before getting close. I don't remember seeing anything like that in other games, but if well-polished, it could be an effective way to balance fights.
Sincerely, ControleV | Keep up the great work, Teff!
thx uuu, but welp, i think i changed plans, ill have to fix these error real quick!
Hoh, gotta play this tomorrow :P
Cancelled? YAY!
Do You And All Other Furries Who Enjoy Changed Even Know The Many, Many Controversies Surrounding The Game's Creator?
isn't that only surrounding dragonsnow and not teff
Yes, But Still, The Fact Changed Fans Even Exist Shows That Millions Have To Get A Life Instead Of Having A Fetish Addiction.