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did you know that the creator of changed is a childdiddler

I'm speaking to you in English  so that you don't have to bother translating  Look, when you add the wave mode, there will be different types of difficulty (I don't really know if deluxe has that) but something like a nightmare that does more damage and more enemies  It would be a good idea, I don't know if you've thought about it already xd

oye me encontre con un bug que cuando terminas el juego y vuelves a empezar ya no te permitira avanzar osea entras y en la pantalla de carga de queda todo negro no se si es haci o solo un error

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el creador una pregunta

si ya actualisastes el juego ya que no se si es la version que termina en cuando puro y el protagonista hablan y puro se va

ese es la version actual o estoy jugando con una version vieja?

si no me equivoco esa es la versión "Deluxe" la cual ya no tiene soporte, la ultima versión que lancé es la "PLUS", Changed Berserk +  (CBP) . Misma que es una demo que contiene mas cambios comparada a la anterior.

gracias por responderme y por hablarme en español la verdad el juego esta bien hecho da la sencasion de sastifacion al matar un enemigo de latex gracias :)

came back after long time ago, i must say, i fucking love it!

who knew that not having played changed yet both makes this funner and more confusing (that means good in my book)

10/10 would kill latexes again

As an ultrakill player I'd figure this would be considerably easy

hello fellow ultrakill player


you can bitch slap the weird goo things that make me uncomfortable and suddenly it makes me less uncomfortable when i can clock them upside the skull. ty

it dont work 

i cant even play this game it dont wor

what os?

doesnt work on alpine linux (berserk deluxe)

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Played it on my Desktop and wow... i just couldnt finish the snow leopard girl, i just cant even if i want too

I never knew this was on itch lmao

Its Perfect

The Game is the best For me because im In to  Combat games 

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Am i supposed to have an AWP?

Why you are in the test zone????

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I found it with unity explorer and loaded it, yes i modded the game


Also i saw that there is unfinished russian language in the game's code

yeah, has been a fkng pain trying to set the fonts to russian and viceverse

Пора ####### этим фурям за то что я даже вторую комнату в оригинале не прошёл.

won't open on Mac

you need to launch it from the application has an app?

had one since forever

ohh ok thanks

sorry for late response I rarely come on here

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