Changed: Berserk+ (Plus) - Demo
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
Discord: https://discord.gg/Ep3PeJeHmu
Date a puñetes en este corto juego parodia basado en Changed. (todos los personajes, y escenarios en este proyecto son propiedad de DragonSnow)
Genera múltiples combos para derrotar a tus enemigos y abrirte camino por las fases llena de obstáculos. Con solo un botón, puedes generar distintos ataques que son de gran utilidad. Tanto leves como volátiles!
-Mejora del Sistema de combate, niveles mejorados.
-Apariencia de enemigos mejorada!
-Nueva mecánica! Barra de rabia
-Y mucho más!
Get in a fistfight in this short parody game based on Changed (all characters, and stages in this project are property of DragonSnow).
Generate multiple combos to defeat your enemies and fight your way through the obstacle-filled stages. With just one button, you can generate different attacks that are very useful. Both light and volatile!
-Improved combat system, improved levels.
-Enemy appearance improved!
-New mechanics! Rage bar
-And much more!
Install instructions
1. Download .rar file
2. Use extractors such as 7zip or WinRar.
3. Search executable and play.
Development log
- Official Discord Server!Sep 12, 2022
- Mas extension? (More extension?)Sep 02, 2022
- Listo Chicos! (Done Guys!)Aug 28, 2022
- Hacerca de la actualizacion (About the Update)Jun 27, 2022
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is this game just a demo and have to pay for full version or is this the complete change berserk game?
changed berserk is still in development, but in a slow rate sadly
did you know that the creator of changed is a childdiddler
He isn't you dumb fuck
Dude didn't just lie about Colin's age, either. Nearly everything people said about DragonSnow was either false or misinterpreted.
you can view the whole allegation thing check this out
oye me encontre con un bug que cuando terminas el juego y vuelves a empezar ya no te permitira avanzar osea entras y en la pantalla de carga de queda todo negro no se si es haci o solo un error
el creador una pregunta
si ya actualisastes el juego ya que no se si es la version que termina en cuando puro y el protagonista hablan y puro se va
ese es la version actual o estoy jugando con una version vieja?
si no me equivoco esa es la versión "Deluxe" la cual ya no tiene soporte, la ultima versión que lancé es la "PLUS", Changed Berserk + (CBP) . Misma que es una demo que contiene mas cambios comparada a la anterior.
gracias por responderme y por hablarme en español la verdad el juego esta bien hecho da la sencasion de sastifacion al matar un enemigo de latex gracias :)
came back after long time ago, i must say, i fucking love it!
who knew that not having played changed yet both makes this funner and more confusing (that means good in my book)
10/10 would kill latexes again
As an ultrakill player I'd figure this would be considerably easy
hello fellow ultrakill player
you can bitch slap the weird goo things that make me uncomfortable and suddenly it makes me less uncomfortable when i can clock them upside the skull. ty
it dont work
i cant even play this game it dont wor
what os?
doesnt work on alpine linux (berserk deluxe)
Played it on my Desktop and wow... i just couldnt finish the snow leopard girl, i just cant even if i want too
I never knew this was on itch lmao
Its Perfect
The Game is the best For me because im In to Combat games
Am i supposed to have an AWP?
Why you are in the test zone????
I found it with unity explorer and loaded it, yes i modded the game
Also i saw that there is unfinished russian language in the game's code
yeah, has been a fkng pain trying to set the fonts to russian and viceverse
Пора ####### этим фурям за то что я даже вторую комнату в оригинале не прошёл.
won't open on Mac
you need to launch it from the itch.io application
itch.io has an app?
had one since forever
ohh ok thanks
sorry for late response I rarely come on here
dan the man and yakuza had a baby and it was addicted to changed.
im gonna kill them all smoke weed after that and play chess
Could you make a DMV file version
如果加入更多的动作和处决动画就更好了,就像真人快打(MORTAL KOMBAT)那样。
Finally! I can become Peppino and beat up these fucking latex furries that broke my sanity.
Mejor que el original en mi opinión, hay veces en las que el delay de los ataques hace que el personaje responda algo lento en algunos combos y lo único que puede hacer es recibir golpes de los enemigos lo cual hace difícil después el escape a los constantes ataques de los enemigos si son demasiados y se te pegan a los lados, por todo lo demás un buen juego que en mi opinión supera al original por lo emocionante y gratificante que resulta el gameplay.
No, This is not furry
GRIFFITH!! ahh name
fr th only reason i found this
это не игра это шедевр в который нужно играть после обычного changed
I honestly never expected to hear witherwolf’s music from Mario and Luigi Changed Bros in this for the wolf king boss
i just smothered a furry with a pillow
i love this damn game
Well at least i Like this game because Colin is like me causing Chaos
or is it in another file download
where is the snow Lepoard chase?