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Better than Doom.

игра супер мне нравится лор changed  

Oye, ¿Por qué mi macOS dice que el juego no se puede abrir?


so how do I add my own music in the game because the help button doesn't help


go to the game's data files, and find "Audio", if you don't find one, create one.

next, put your mp3 in there and run the game.

click the button that icon: music note

select whatever room you want, not play button, but the right side of play button. It should give you a song you add in the game data.

select the song you want.

don't forget, click the "use this playlist" checkmark.

try it.

-Ellio :l


Please Android


when will this game be added to steam?

(1 edit) (+2)

Part 1 for now, are the controls mappable?

Coz its either it needs a controller or I'm not used to the game :( (Slippery and Too many enemy stun locks)

EDIT: Part 2, sorry I divided it. 

I found the game very cool, but I think it should have skins to be applied, like skins for colin example: plumber's clothes (mario) a bandana and sash would also be nice, shirts and among others, you would only get these skins as you got more kills in infinite mode, so I would have to have a break just to go to the store and customize, so I think this idea would be nice to be added


how do i change the language into  English


In the main menu there is a little panel with idiom, press the buttons left or right until the game changes his idiom

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

I think this almost perfect, but ya should make something like ability to dodge (cuz it's hard to escape when u get stun like effect after a punch from enemy), also consumables or something like that (y'know, speed-ups, and sum powers), and lastly more bosses and levels cuz i and prob most of the ppl were sad that its that short. Oh and forgot to mention, can u please try to add this on steam cuz I was nervous when downloading it from site, you know. It's a amazing game anyways :D


Amazing game, wish there were more bosses and levels.  Only bad thing i could say is enemies can stunlock you and wipe your entire health bar without the ability to escape.    Honestly good work with this project!

(2 edits) (+2)

buen juego, ya me lo descargue, despues de probarlo editare este comentario y dire mi opinion al respecto xd

(despues de probarlo) es un buen juego pero con unos bugs, el primero es cuando haces un ataque y saltas y te deja hacer doble salto aunque, buen juego, ojala pusieran una opcion para cambiar las teclas como por ejemplo las flechas  y la ZXC por WASD y HJK ojala lo hagan xd

le doy un 100/100


good game, i already download it, before of try it, ima edit this comentary and say my opinion about it xd

(before try it) is a good game but with some bugs, the first is when you do an attack and jump and let you to do other jump but, good game, i hope they put a option for change the controls for example the arrows and the ZXC for WASD and HJK i hope they add it xd

i give it an 100/100

little warning for apple gamers: game can't start up somehow on my pc it causes lag and it costs storage, however I might be an idiot who doesn't know how these thing work, it still costs 91 megabyte. the game looks like fun Ill try playing it in the future or just try learning how to not be an idiot.

i get the "can not start error" on mac

i found epic easter egg, that brown-ish monster with the syringe is a monster reference to the sillent hill 3 nurse, it even has the same animation, thanks for reading this and have a blessed day

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago


hohoii, thanks dude :D


when you make a parody fan game that's better than the original 💀



pls add english translation to the linux


it have, just move your arrows, that was a bad implementation of my part


So you say that I can beat furries without consequences?

Don't mind if I do!

just a joke


Bro, I loved this deluxe version, congrats for the greatest fan game I've ever seen, this video is the first part of my series playing your game, and I come to thank you for continuing this project.

I'm following you, and I want to play your next projects, similar to Changed or not, you are very good at what you do, and I want you to succeed.

Take care, peace out.


thank you very much friend, I like that you liked this project, and with pleasure after its next update I will make other projects putting the same effort as this ;)

And thanks btw for the gameplay!

(1 edit) (+1)

How do i change the language to english? im using windows and the only language is espanol but besides that, its a great game!


it have, just move your arrow to the left or right until english appears, the game have english and spanish

(1 edit)

Thanks!!!! it worked

This game, is such a greta parody Beat-em-Up! Styled Game i've seen today!
I really love the graphics and animations!! 

I also have A TON of ideas i could like to share!, but maybe they are too many to say here so i'll say one instead

Begin "Custom Character!", Just like Custom Music, you basically replace the in-game Character of Colin with a different character!, most likely should be very specific cases like, for waves mode! So it doesn't interrupt the cutscenes and main story mode flow!

Anyways, again, this game is, SO MUCH fun to play!, and i have A LOT of fun experimenting with the Custom music support!! Hope to see More of it soon!!

thanks my friend, yup, that character customization is still in work with another things to add.
if you want to send more suggestions you can do it in my server of discord

A perfect game for when you really hate furries

(i am a furry)

how do i open the game? i cant seem to open it with 7zip and dont know what else to use

maybe you can try winRar if u didnt try it before

thank you so much, i tired it and it worked 👍

u r welcome

It's a cool game but I wish it has the android version.  

And again, very nice game. 

will take a while, but maybe can be an android version soon

Sounds good, looking forward to it



cool game

why no have Android?


Is creating mods allowed and is the game suitable for it? I wanted to know before I tried anything extensive and see if I could

I mostly want to attempt it as I've really enjoyed playing this since pre-deluxe and I want others to have even more to experience 


Well, mod support doesnt have, mostly of what kind of mods can be.

I guess that yes, but that is going to be experimental

this game is pretty good but something funny happened to me when i was at the chase thing i jump when the furry latex was about to grab me and it got bug lol

I just completed the original changed so I really want to play the game because I'm bore

te propongo que en el dia de los inocentes hagas una versión de changed berserk deluxe que los colores esten invertidos

yo uso los monstuos de látex como pelotas de futbol xd

me gustaría que fuera  posible que con las armas apuntaras usando el puntero del mouse .

Y también cuando vallas a lanzar un objeto mientras mantienes la tecla x apuntas con el mouse

I found out my pc is to crappy to start the game lo

Does it have some glitchy visuals?

it can't start games/softwares above 100MB for some reason also installing games can take up to a month so yes its really REALLY crappy

damn :/

(1 edit) (+4)

always wanted more mario combat since i first played it, but i never thought it'd be like this!

you seemed to insinuate in the gallery's dev room that you don't have very much of an idea on where you want the future updates to go, so hopefully these will help out:

- gameplay loop kinda gets boring after a while. 

my first playthrough was an absolute trip, blared punk rock and had an amazing time, but the subsequent playthroughs i had directly after weren't quite as interesting. 

i think adding some kind of combo system and a visible score on the HUD would make it a bit more fun for repeat playthroughs,

uppercutting and basically dribbling the enemies around the map is fun and all, but it's so overpowered that it's all you really need to do for a lot of the game, 

having a combo system that rewards fancier or more varied moves would make the game a lot more fun and replayable,

and having your score be visible throughout the entire game, basically letting the player know what gives them more points, and letting them know if they're doing well, 

would probably be very helpful in making shooting for high-scores feel worthwhile 

- maybe have some more enemy AI variety? 

i found it really easy to just group all the enemies in a map together and just uppercut-dribble them around any maps with low enough ceilings. 

maybe have a couple of the more special enemies, like the syringe dudes, kind of keep their distance from you a little while other enemies are attacking you so you can't do that as easily?

on the topic of enemy variety, i think having more varied attacks would be nice, 

the traffic cone dudes and the generic vanilla pudding dudes just felt practically the same, could maybe make one of the enemy types jump at you to make them be less predictable?

- i wanna play as the puro transfur that;d be awesome!!!

you could probably make it a reward for getting all the endings or reaching a certain point in the wave mode which would make either feel more worthwhile

also giving him an eye shine trail like the snow leopard chase sequence would look cool as hell

- keep adding subtitles to the game's name every time you update it so it eventually becomes something ridiculous like "Changed: Berserk Deluxe: Special Edition: Revised: The Definitive Edition: The Complete Edition: Director's Cut" lol

- a multiplayer mode would be awesome!

Funny_Approved in the comment directly below mine mentioned an emote mechanic, which would work well with multiplayer too

- keybinds!

some players either don't have working keys or just don't like using the up arrow key to jump.

i had broken/sticky arrow keys, and had to bind a lot of games to the I, J, K, and L keys for so long that it became a personal preference for me, even long after i bought a new keyboard

...just make sure you can always use the arrow keys to control things, just in case the player messes something up or in case they re-bind the jump key (so that you don't have to hit the X key to go up in a menu lol)

- controller support

i personally don't mind (and actually prefer) using my keyboard over a controller,

but a lot of people really prefer controllers, and it'd make the game a bit more accessible

- more guns!!!

having a pistol (i think a beretta m9 would make realistic sense) for a more common and less powerful  ranged weapon would be fun

desert eagle would be unrealistic, but fun,

an smg, like an mp5 or an uzi would be fun

the way colin holds the guns is kind of weird,

and the way he just one-hands them while shooting is absolutely ridiculous and awesome looking and i love it please never change that

also the full auto of the AK doesn't really feel as fun and impactful as it should,

though if you feel that a full-auto gun would be too overpowered you could just go with a larger 3-round burst instead

there's also just not enough spawn-points for them throughout the game?

there's only one at the very end, aside from the ones found randomly in lockers

- cheats system!

having infinite ammo/health/weapon health cheats would be fun unlockables and would give you more incentive to play extra modes

having a cheat that gave you more guns, or a cheat that gave you an inventory system so you could hold multiple weapons would be cool

- more modes / wave mode changes

maybe you could make a mode dedicated to platforming? seeing as the extra modes aren't really canon, they don't really have to make much sense

maybe something along the lines of smash bros' break the targets?

the platforming physics are SUPER satisfying, and they're not used quite as extensively as i think they should be

on the topic of extra modes, the wave mode's kind of boring?

i think having more variety in the areas themselves would help out a little, having more platforms, a few larger arenas, and maybe some stage hazards would be fun,

and having an outdoors area like the on the side of the building near the end of the game would be pretty cool

- the items feel kind of  same-y?

the crowbar, axe, and pipe really don't feel all that different

it's not a PROBLEM, but it's something else you could work on

- i personally find the quote-unquote "broken" english extremely charming,

and there aren't any errors that make any of the text completely incomprehensible,

but i could probably help localize it if you want???

- walljump from the original game would be fun,

i know this isn't as platforming based as the original, but the walljump would be an interesting addition to the game

- more bosses would be nice

pretty sure you already mentioned a puro fight (a more one-on-one, ),

but i think some of changed special's bosses would work well as bosses here, like the wolf king, or the big-boy-300-gallon-amalgamate bosses would be fun,

- the shark dudes / squid dog dude not having dedicated transfurs, and just continually beating the hell out of you after you die is kind of weird

- i want to pet puro

- more alternate paths?

- the endings don't really feel very impactful, or final? (aside from ending 1)

i think having a second boss fight after the squid dog would be fun, though i already mentioned boss fights before

- i wanna break more stuff!!!

i think having more boxes, furniture like desks and tables, 

and maybe having more stuff you could pick up and throw like the traffic cones would be fun, i think chairs and boxes would work nicely

...and that's all i have for right now! 

sorry if it feels like a text block, or if my personality's a bit obnoxious, or (especially) if this was hard to translate.

i don't do quite enough long-form writing like this, so it's probably a little amateur.

i haven't used's comment system before, hopefully i can edit this later to make it a bit better than it is (edit: yes i can)


Oh gosh, that was a great in-depth analysis, taking everything from the game to give an absolutely acceptable critique, no matter how long the post got, the point is that I understood exactly what you were getting at and it helps me see the specific points which gives the gameplay a generic and monotonous feel.

After thinking about it and reading the paragraphs if this game would deserve something to give it a unique and fun touch in each game, being the second game that I upload and that had a huge repercussion it would be to give it a golden brooch to make it so unique and enjoyable no matter how many times the game is replayed. Now to describe certain aspects regarding the post.

-Course of the game: I was planning on that too, or at least give more variety of attacks to the player, with the score I removed it because it made it look 'useless', after that it would be like a guy said, make it ultrakill style with bonuses and stuff, like a combo counter. I'll have to see how I could add this.

-Enemies: The truth is yes, all enemies have their predefined attack base, walk, approach, attack. I should definitely see how I could improve the AI.

-Puro Transfur: From what I understand it's like using a kind of skin, isn't it? Instead of Colin use one of the skins out there like Puro's isn't it?

-Game names: I definitely don't plan on naming the game like this, it would make it look too xd, I named it deluxe because it gave the game a bigger extension, but this would be more like the Beta version, with another update to come.

-Multiplayer: Here it would depend on two things, either Local or Global with people on the Internet, mostly I did this as a kind of parody to the original game, maybe in some future project that contains gameplay similar to this game could have a multiplayer. Unfortunately I don't have the knowledge to set up a multiplayer game of this style, much less support servers. The emotes I was also thinking of adding them, it would make it more fun haha.

-Key combination: I will definitely have to get to work on this, it is true that several people want their own combination of keys, either because they are not worth the keys or by personal preference. Count on it.

-Control support: for this I have no knowledge to test with game controllers, much less have one to give the tests and register the desired keys, especially for the combination of keys. so I do not think I can do it.

-More arsenal: here would enter what is balance and not to make it super powerful and is a problem with which I ran into, so the AK feels something .... wtf? With the regeneration points I should add more, and know exactly what to add.

-Cheat system: I really don't know if I should implement this, more because I don't know how to handle with console registration and cheat activation.

-More game modes: I understand you, the wave mode gets to be a bit boring, and yes, I also thought about adding that outdoor area, it would look beautiful. Regarding more modes if I will have to add, give more variety to the game. But of course, above all not to chew more than I can, I'll adjust my goals to hit them.

-Gadgets: also, all weapons have the same pattern, for this one each weapon should have its unique attack style.

-Translation: here I had to use either what I know or, with that to translate the game should be seen, to give something unique in each dialogue.

-Jumping on walls: at the beginning of the development of the whole game I wanted to put this mechanic, but then I said no, because it seemed unnecessary.

-Bosses and Mini bosses: I was thinking about this, more for the Wave mode. With the battle against Puro, it is already confirmed that it will be available. But what about putting them in story mode, god, this will require a good analysis.

Yes, the sharks and the squid dog don't give you a specific transfur.

With the rest of the endings I plan to extend them or give them more cinematic touches like the first ending, since it looks epic in my opinion.

-Environment destruction: while making the sprites of the battle against Puro I was thinking about that, give more vividness in environment interaction with the player, things flying, papers everywhere and objects breaking on the floor giving that touch of destruction and chaos.

And this would be my statement, this was too long, and more about how this game had a good repercussion, posts like this give me the motivation to improve every time and give a good gameplay feeling to the player. At this point it would be to modify most of the game, both for gameplay, endings, and give that "juicy" effect that is in the games. To finish this fan game that people loved. Thank you very much for your comment, I appreciate it very much.

(1 edit)

This game is amazing but my 'z' key stopped working (like my braincells during exam)Also i think emotes (like garry's mod act dance) would be cool.

I was thinking about this problem, so, I will need to make a key binding system for this, fortunately, I have a system that works for this.

Is there English in the game?


(1 edit)

i cant find the english language

there is ñ and ñn't

donde esta easter egg a portal/half life

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